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Comment by z3t4

4 years ago

Hardware and software goes hand in hand. A custom CPU would also need custom software. The engame is probably "you can only run this in our cloud", but its open source you say, yeh before they added the proprietary code, so if you do run the code yourself you can't use half the features and performance will be degraded, and you won't have access to the community/plugin ecosystem.

There is no way back to this kind of lock in. If anything, businesses expect the opposite: maximum ability to transparently move their load between various cloud providers and their own on-prem machines.

Perhaps specialized hardware (GPU) is different but not generic load.

  • > If anything, businesses expect the opposite: maximum ability to transparently move their load between various cloud providers and their own on-prem machines.

    Is this actually true? In my experience, being technology-agnostic is something that engineering orgs prioritize somewhat, but is fairly low on the list of priorities for business orgs, if at all. A lot of the most successful business tech has high degrees of lock-in.