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Comment by m463

4 years ago

> hardware ... commoditize ... software, software ... commoditize ... hardware ... no clear rules

we all win.

But it's not the reality though, ultimately software doesn't want to commoditize hardware, it wants to have choices, sure, but only for itself, so it can lock people in to a specific choice to sell it to people too and with high margins. Vice versa is true too, hardware wants to build software ecosystem around it, but in a such way that uses only its hardware, not other hardware. This is why wintel is a thing.

Only from a quick glance it appears that we all win, but really none of us can win from this. Worse, megacorps don't really compete with each other, their view on competition is pretty perverse, they "compete" as long as such "competing" doesn't eat into juicy high margin profits that exist only on monopolized markets, so it's more like dividing markets and forming oligopolies, but not commodotizing each other.