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Comment by frabert

3 years ago

Re CNCing the wood: I'm not a woodworker, but given the simplicity of the cut, I'd dare say that miter sawing the planks using a guide would more than suffice.

I'm both an amateur woodworker and a professional CNC programmer, and this is right. Frames like this are made with routers to carve the profile, and miter saws to cut the corners.

Personally I'd love to buy the guts and make my own frame, to personalize the gift with a nicer frame than I'd want to pay someone else to make.

Give me a good dimensioned drawing or a 3D model (or both!) of the display panel and the electronics that drive it, I'll chop some scrap into a mockup of the screen, craft a custom frame around it, and then swap in the real guts when I'm done.

  • You can email me at mail@konstantinschubert.com - I think there should be no problem with me sending you the "guts" at-cost once I have converged on a final BOM list.

    I also have question that you might be able to help me with:

    The frame requires some special shaping on the back-side to accommodate the "guts" as you call them. In fact, if I can freely choose the profile of the frame on the back side, I can probably solve some other constructional open questions I am having. You seem to be an expert on this: If I provide a CAD file, what will be the order of magnitude in cost I am looking at for one or more custom profiles? Both in terms of design and in terms of per-piece production cost?

    I'd be happy to give you some more details over email of course.