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Comment by dogma1138

3 years ago


Sigh... I work in the display industry and interact with competitors as well as partners of EInk. The first link is a reddit post. I leave it to others to work out why a lot of these comments blaming patents are completely wrong. I've tried to counteract these mistaken assumptions repeatedly on HN. See my comment history. But after this kind of low quality approach to factual discussion (eg: I ask for a citation and instead am given a reddit link) I'm giving up trying to correct this misconception.

  • “Citation please” is the mother of “low quality approach to factual discussion” if you have a different opinion or have facts to present please do so.

    Asking for a citation to what you say is a misconception is somewhat pointless don’t you think since if this misconception is so prevalent all the citations would be misconceptions as well...

    • The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim. You made the claim, you have to provide proof. That is what "Citation please" says.

  • Hi,

    For quite a while I've been specifically looking for a reliable source on the "e-ink prices are caused by patents" (or alternative explanation) to bookmark, but haven't been able to find one.

    Please educate me. Preferably with sources I can cite. The best I have right now is a freaking reddit comment.

    • As I have stated, I was looking for evidence or proof for OP's claim about patents and did not find it, nor does OP appear to be able or willing to back up his/her claim. My opinion is that display pricing is driven primarily by volume, and secondarily by a lot of other rapidly fluctuating variables related to ITO/TFT manufacturing costs. I'm sure patents has some effect on the industry, but most likely negligible as I've never heard companies being impacted by it. At least not in my corner of the industry.

      To be frank, I believe OP's claim about patents is wrong and is just some kind of worldview that for some reason has caught on recently in HN and is getting repeated without being challenged.

      The simplest evidence I can give that volume is the main driver of pricing is to compare EPD 6" matrix display pricing between 2007 where it was 100x more expensive than it is today. Patents haven't changed. Volume has. That was driven by large scale buyers like Sony, Amazon, and others.