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Comment by veaxvoid

3 years ago

this guy wrote a book that will teach you how to name variables, only with 275 pages!

A cursory look at what I suspect is your GitHub profile reveals you could stand to learn something about good variable naming.

Her research focuses on the cognitive processes involved in learning programming and teaching it effectively, which means her audience is likely new/novice programmers. And it's not like one of the oldest jokes about programming doesn't point out how difficult naming things is, which is a side effect of how difficult abstraction can be.

  • You looked the person up on github to mock their choice of variable naming. How...pathetic.

I could probably fill 275 pages of my team bike shedding on variable names, so that seems reasonable.

  • Heh, I get similar bitching from my team on this, but programming is basically the art of defining a structured language around a given domain. Naming is far less the bike shed and much more the assembly of bricks that build the nuke plant; the individual notes that make up the final composition, if you will.