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Comment by abainbridge

3 years ago

I read the first few pages. It was riddled with problems.

1. Section 1.1 shows an APL program "1 2 2 2 2 2 ⊤ n" and says, "The confusion here lies in the fact that you might not know what ⊤ means.". Nope. The confusion is that I don't know what any of the symbols do or how an APL program is structured. I expect this is the case for most readers.

2. There are 3 examples here. The discussions of the examples are not next to the examples. It is all jumbled up and hard to read.

3. The Java example spells main as mian.

4. Section 2 says, "programmers write a lot more code than they read". That is incorrect. For example, normally I read several of the solutions on Stackoverflow before I decide which one to copy and paste :-)

The "mian" thing is not an error. It's there to make a point about how the brain interprets code, depending on your familiarity with the language and problem. She explains it not much later on.