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Comment by sbarre

3 years ago

You know the very common complaint from technical people that goes "my manager/leader doesn't understand what I do"?

This is the same thing but from the other side.

Since they live in Romania, it’s very possible that they’re doing outsourced work (for HQ in another country, or even for another company altogether). In such case, the real management happens in HQ, while local managers are just handlers/babysitters like they described.

  • A valid point for sure. But the comment itself didn't make that distinction and was a bit too broad-strokes for me..

You've just taken a good, detailed comment and dismissed it. Do you have anything else to add?

  • While it was detailed, I disagree that it's a good comment, I think it's full of statements I consider to be actually false.

    As I said, this is an example of someone forming strong opinions about something they don't really understand.

    Since we're all familiar with the trope of non-technical people failing to understand the complexity and intricacies of what we do, it seemed like a good point of comparison.