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Comment by eatonphil

3 years ago

I can't wait for Browser Engineering to show up as a university course a la compilers, operating systems, networks, etc.

Author here.

That's exactly what we are hoping for.


So far, my co-author Pavel has taught from this book multiple times (including this semester). In the spring at least one other university will offer a course. We'll list all known courses offerings on the website.

Also, if anyone would like to teach from this book, please get in touch!

A browser is basically an operating system inside an operating system.

The funny thing is we can have the MINIX microkernel discussions all over again :)

  • Looking at the book's table of contents, I disagree. Browsers may resemble OSes by the size of the code base or by the amount of optimization involved, or by their importance for the modern world, but not by the types of technologies involved. I doubt the Browsers course will intersect a lot with OSes course.

    EDIT: Reading you comment again I suspect you might have been joking :)

    • Which part of OSs do you expect not to be covered?

      There's IPC. There's memory management. There's process management. There's network management. There's security. There's device management.

      They all happen at a slightly higher layer, but they all exist similar to an OS. (I'm not sure if the higher layer makes it easier or harder to understand - but in terms of what you need to know, an OS class or three is definitely helpful)

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