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Comment by groby_b

3 years ago

These are all part of the browser outside the VM too.

Multi-process architecture requires you to think deeply about IPC.

Memory management is all over the place - there isn't a browser without custom allocators, investment into GC, etc.

Process management -> see multi-process architecture.

Network management: Browsers need to handle a tremendous amount of network issues. I mean... that's what they do. Outside of the VM, too.

As for "security is everywhere" - the whole point of an OS (and a browser) is to make it possible for security to be everywhere. To provide the primitives that you can securely build on.

> Slightly?! That's an understatement of the week!

Not really, no. I've worked on embedded networking stacks, on full-fledged OSs, and on browsers. I stand by "slightly". Yes, granted, a browser doesn't get quite as bit-fiddly as a on-the-metal OS, but it's a matter of degrees, not quality.

Can you work on many areas of a browser without ever touching OS-like code? Absolutely. This particular book has a good chance of avoiding most, because it focuses on the rendering part.

But a browser, as a whole, provides an abstracted platform just like an OS. And it echoes many concepts, if in slightly different forms.

I think a good example of two solutions used in browsers and OSes that are meaningfully similar (and not inherent to all systems software) would convince me better. Do you have one?