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Comment by silicon2401

2 years ago

Watch "Century of the Self" (and "Hypernormalization") by Adam Curtis. Pop culture, marketing, and advertisement are in many ways the products of wartime propaganda techniques being applied to civilians by corporations during peacetime. Also watch Zizek for his thoughts on how corporations like Starbucks get people to try and practice their morals through consumerism. And since you mentioned falsified democracy, might as well look into Chomsky and his thoughts on Manufacturing Consent. These are legitimate, calculated phenomena that it's worth being aware of.

True that; there’s a government paper trail detailing the transfer of military propaganda research to university marketing and advertising programs.

Check out Hyman Rickover, a proponent of a nuclear Navy that pushed members of Congress to vote mothball 10 years of thorium reactor research for uranium reactors so they had weapons material.

I laugh at the notion we have a free market since the basis of our system is 50-70 year old back room deals that boosted families like Gates, Musk, Andreesen, Bezos.

There’s zero science that explains how they’re ahead of anyone else in skill and intelligence. Plenty to suggest typical old fashion political propaganda and corruption.

  • > I laugh at the notion we have a free market since the basis of our system is 50-70 year old back room deals that boosted families like Gates, Musk, Andreesen, Bezos.

    Can you please clarify what you mean?

    50 years ago Gates was 16, Bezos was 8, Andreesen was 1 and Musk was newborn. 70 years ago none of them were even born. I highly doubt they were party to backroom deals!

    • “families like”

      Gates’ father’s legacy is founding partner of an internationally known law firm, though I believe he stepped aside before it achieved global status.

      Bezos conveniently had 25 relatives and family friends that could invest 50,000.

      Musk family and African gem mine abuses are easy to source online.

      IBM wanted nothing to do with transistor computers that might cannibalize their vacuum tube computer business until government funded the research; forcing progress through government action is pretty well established in history, just saying.

      Austerity is for those with integrity.

      The benefits of collective effort are pretty clear; why agency is locked up unless a billionaire can profit further is bizarre.

      Relativity implies people without healthcare or universal healthcare are making an uninformed choice without experience.

      The philosophy of our system is moral relativism and sunk cost fallacy, obfuscated by government funded propaganda. IMO.

  • > Check out Hyman Rickover, a proponent of a nuclear Navy that pushed members of Congress to vote mothball 10 years of thorium reactor research for uranium reactors so they had weapons material.

    The thorium reactors at that time were molten salt. Molten salts used react very poorly with water. Uranium reactors are generally pressurized water. You might imagine another reason Admiral Rickover might have preferred the uranium solution?