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Comment by mr_tristan

2 years ago

This sure seems to be what happens when the long tail runs into the paradox of choice.

One thing I've noticed, it is now way easier to create content over this time period as well.

I now have a camera that can record beautiful 8K video, I can produce high-quality music records, and I don't have to rent or hire anyone. I've got a CNC that can crank out perfect templates for my woodworking. But there are now millions of others who can (and are) doing the same thing.

And thus, it's stupidly easy to find something new, but it's hard to find something new and consistently good. So we just gravitate to the proven because, ugh, our free time is valuable.

My only sense is that the oligopoly will persist, and probably become even more focused. But the "1000 true fans" approach for small-time producers is still the best way forward. Don't even bother trying to compete with big-time media, just try to build strong connections, thus being a "trusted" choice.