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Comment by ShredKazoo

2 years ago

I guess the advantage of this setup, relative to playing a board game on an iPad, is that keeping info hidden from your opponent is more natural with cards. I suggest to exploit this, you either make the cards thin enough to hold in a hidden 'hand' the way someone might do in magic the gathering, or (much easier) have your plinth include a hidden hand prop section ala Scrabble.

In terms of product development, I think the best path would probably be to create or find an opensource game engine for cardgames and have a nice development environment plus API where a dev can write a game for the engine that either runs on a PC or runs on the cards, with no code changes required. (PC support makes debugging and iterating on game design much faster.)

I hadn't thought of a Scrabble style card holder, good idea.

Ah yeah, I think the game design community mostly uses tabletop simulator and one other such program for testing out ideas. Being able to deploy to both is a good idea.

  • I suppose the simplest path to success is just to integrate with tabletop simulator so that any card game playable on tabletop simulator can be played with your thing too. You could even aim to get acquired by them.

    Product name: "Tabletop Simulator Simulator"