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Comment by zozbot234

2 years ago

If this was a fully hackable product, it could be used for so much more than just playing games. Think the stuff that e-ink price tags are already used for, e.g. in product retail, plus so many uses in the office; no need to awkwardly write things down on post-its or simple slips of paper, when they can instead be shown on a trading card with information being reliably drawn from a single source of truth.

I'm down to make it fully hackable.

The trick would be an easy interface for writing to them. They don't have batteries, so you need to send all the power to them along with information.

  • Maybe you could use a handheld scanner type device to load the next image and send power to each card, or an electronic Rolodex where you stack the cards and it flips through a set amount reconfiguring them. Both of those ideas would require some hardware development though.

    I forgot to add: very interesting project and amazing to see the fruition of your efforts!