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Comment by jonahss

2 years ago

Heh, the screens I use are exactly the ones contained in those products.

Huh, the battery lasts for ten years? I wonder how many refreshes you get for that. Maybe I should just be using those.....

I've worked in retail for an electronics store where we gradually changed over to those. They were from https://www.ses-imagotag.com/products/electronic-shelf-label... They even calimed to us 13 years batery life at an average of 1 refresh per day. They are pretty power efficient and we've had many devices that ran for years without an issue.

  • That's around 5000 refreshes, being a bit charitable. If I'm playing cards, I might see that in a few days, as I'm going to be doing tens or hundreds of refreshes a day, rather than one.

    • I think it would really depends on what game you're playing. From what I gathered from the article it's not really meant to replace a standard deck of cards but more aimed towards board games. People that are serious about board gaming will usually have 1 session/week , sometimes but rarely more, often less. So I'm sure on average each card will get more than 7 refreshes/week but it will probably be in the acceptable range.