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Comment by Folcon

2 years ago

This is really interesting jonahss, well done for completing it! Have you looked at the physical games and convention spaces?

Things like DnD roleplaying games or Megagames could both use something like this.

I'd personally be interested in both those applications, what kind of wireless communication can they do?

Oh for sure, I'm hoping to inspire the game developer community. I know a lot of things using electronics have been tried in the past and it usually comes out as a gimmick, but I tried to design these to hide their electronic nature, hoping to enter the same spot that dice and counters inhabit.

I was going to post about it on some game dev forums next, any suggestions of where I should post?

They don't do wireless as of now, they have to sit on the plinth to get an update. There are options for how to add some form of wireless connectivity.

I'd be interested in continuing the conversation, I'll send you an email, or email me: jonah@wyldcard.io