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Comment by Teever

1 year ago

I have a sneaking suspicion that the people who profit from IP law are of course going to tell you that it's the greatest thing since sliced bread and that we couldn't have solved COVID without it. For the sake of discussion I'll concede the point that IP laws are a necessary part of innovation but that brings up a major question -- how much IP law is optimal?

Do we have an optimal amount of IP? Who decides? Why them? What metric do they use? How do we disentangle the conflict of interests between the people telling us we need more IP and the fact that they make gobs of money off of it?

I'm not making an argument one way or the other. I'm making a point that any discussion on the topics provided by the article above is useless as the article itself is just collateral that was created for lobbying purposes. Only argument I'm making is ignore think tanks - they're basically marketing for policy recommendations. Doesn't matter if it's the ITIF, AEI, UPI, ITIF, New America, etc - they're all inherently tainted as they are creating collateral that is meant to be consumed to create talking points or consensus around specific policy points.