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Comment by dirtyid

1 year ago

>No “innovation policy framework” will change that.

It absolutely does, nor is CCP risk averse when it comes to science. MIC2025 and precursor Indigenous Innovation Policies, are largely succeeding. Human capita only one part of equation, also need competent state to setup long term infra/academic/s&t/r&d base and with vision to retain and exploit talent, i.e. India got IITs to generate talent but lack rest, hence top Indian talent continues being brain drained for opportunities in west vs PRC talent increasingly "seaturtle" back to PRC, and now many simply never leave. CCP pushing indigenous science capability last 30 years with project 211/985, excellence league, double first class etc was instrumental in PRC breaking innovation index now. Giving credit to Hu/Xi/leadership is state media wank, but state plays huge role in strategy and execution. It's still only 2.5% of GDP (but growing fast) which puts PRC close to 500B by PPP, after US 600B and way ahead of third place JP 170B or IN 160B.