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Comment by cloogshicer

1 year ago

I think the crux of this paper is section 7.2.2:

> There is one final practical problem that we want to consider — even though we believe it is fairly rare in most application domains. In section 7.1.1 we argued that immutable, derived data would correspond to accidental state and could be omitted (because the logic of the system could always be used to derive the data on-demand). Whilst this is true, there are occasionally situations where the ideal world approach (of having no accidental state, and using on-demand derivation) does not give rise to the most natural modelling of the problem. One possible situation of this kind is for derived data which is dependent upon both a whole series of user inputs over time, and its own previous values. In such cases it can be advantageous to maintain the accidental state even in the ideal world. An example of this would be the derived data representing the position state of a computer-controlled opponent in an interactive game — it is at all times derivable by a function of both all prior user movements and the initial starting positions, but this is not the way it is most naturally expressed.

Emphasis is mine.

I think that this type of derived data, which I put in italics above, is quite common - contrary to what the authors of the paper argue. Any UI code or game-like system, like simulations, will have this kind of data. And the paper does not have a good answer for it. I honestly think that nobody has an answer for it, and it's why most of our UIs suck.

I would love to see something that makes handling this type of derived data easy.

You should look into the "comonad" abstraction from the functional programming world. Dual to monads, they're a natural fit for situations where you might have a value with some sort of (possibly infinite) context (think: neighborhood, or history, etc.) that can be either pre-computed or computed on-demand.

This StackOverflow post[1] is a good starting point for understanding comonads. It points out that they can be used to model cellular automata (like Conway's Game of Life), sequences, streams, etc.

[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8428554/what-is-the-como...