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Comment by aborsy

1 year ago

I’m not sure if I understand this correctly, but, this basically seems to be a CA, with SSO-type of proof of identity, short lived certificates and transparency logs?

How an OIDC identity is obtained and secured is not treated. It brings useful organization to PKI, but the problem remains. You have to delegate trust to identity providers: Google, GitHub, etc.

Keybase was interesting, but the project seems semi-dead.

> How an OIDC identity is obtained and secured is not treated. It brings useful organization to PKI, but the problem remains. You have to delegate trust to identity providers: Google, GitHub, etc.

Yes, this is a fundamental (and, IMO, reasonable) assumption in Sigstore. The trust argument for large IdPs is that they (1) have the institutional ability and resources (like incident response) to maintain their service, (2) have strong incentives to maintain and improve the overall security of their providers (billions of accounts on the Internet are bound to SSO via Google, etc.), and (3) that any failures in those providers are already catastrophic, so reducing the number of moving and potentially failing parts is a net win in terms of security.

  • How would someone publish a package without having to rely on institutional OAuth providers?

    • You can still publish a package without signing it; none of this is mandatory (or even implemented yet).

      IMO, one of the things that Sigstore will need to do to become a "serious" codesigning solution for OSS ecosystems is support one or more vendor-neutral IdPs: Sigstore itself is a Linux Foundation project and thus might be able to serve as the right venue for that, or it could be a CA/B-style affair where individual neutral IdPs can qualify for inclusion.

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    • Eventually? You don't.

      The goal of the big companies financing pypi and the other repositories is to identify users with a name, so they can easily ban russians/koreans/iranians/tomorrow's undesirables with ease.

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  • Couldn't you say those same things about the current providers for code signing certificates?

    It almost sounds like a trade of one subpar solution for another. What do I get as a consumer trying to verify an identity? The way I see it:

        Current:  This code was signed by someone that gives Sectigo $500 / year.
        Sigstore: This code was signed by someone that also has a Google account.

    Neither does much in terms of identity or trust. Maybe that's not the point and the idea for Sigstore is to provide the equivalent of a long term (ie: lifetime) key by tying the identity to a well known account, but that doesn't feel like an awesome solution for me as a developer.

    The saying "not your keys, not your crypto" seems to apply here, but it's more like "not your keys, not your identity". Google or Microsoft (via GitHub) own my identity and they can take it away, right?

    I don't know a ton about Sigstore, so maybe these are all unjustified concerns, but, to me, it seems like it's convenient for key management, but I don't understand how it adds much value. The way I see it, when I consume a package the only guarantee I get is something along the lines of "this package was published by example456@gmail.com" and it's guaranteed by OIDC, signing, etc..

    That OIDC identity can still be compromised and, even if the numbers get reduced, we'll still have to deal with fake accounts and bad actors. Look at the volume of spam accounts on YouTube. For me, that doesn't inspire confidence in letting companies like Google become the arbiters of identity for the entire development community.

    What if I get banned for no reason? Can I bootstrap back into the system using an alternate provider? How do I communicate that change to everyone consuming my packages?

    I feel like there's a chance a system like Sigstore could devolve into the same kind of verification system we have with the current code signing vendors, but even worse because of the massive scale and minimal revenue. We could end up sending government ID to Google and Microsoft just to have accounts unlocked. Even though I think they're all terrible, the current code signing vendors at least have humans you can deal with.

    I think a domain is a better way of bootstrapping identity. It's a globally unique ID, so it improves discoverability and reduces confusion / impersonation. I know it's not the same as code signing in terms of protecting the supply chain, and agree that code signing is more important, but I'd rather have a code signing system that treats my domain as my identity compared to one that uses an account from one of the big tech companies.

    Would you rather see "this code was signed by tailscale.com" or "this code was signed by tailscale@gmail.com"? I know the domain is owned by the organization I'm expecting. I have no idea who owns the GMail handle and I don't see how being guaranteed they signed some code gains me anything, regardless of how fancy the whole system is. I guess once I trust them I know it's the same person signing packages, as long as their Google account hasn't been compromised.

    Like I said, I don't know enough about Sigstore, so hopefully someone can explain to me how it isn't just a more convoluted way of owning a long-lived signing key, but with the downside of having it gated / controlled by someone else via OIDC.

    • I'm not a huge expert on Sigstore, but I believe it's better to think of sigstore as similar to Certificate Transparency than similar to GPG signatures. The idea being that signatures on sigstore are on a public log, so you can't be given a binary that doesn't have some publicly available signature.

      However sigstore does not solve the question of ensuring that a package is coming from the person(s) you expect it to.

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