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Comment by trishankdatadog

1 year ago

python-tuf [1] back then assumed that everything was manipulated locally, yes, but a lot has changed since then: you can now read/write metadata entirely in memory, and integrate with different key management backend systems such as GCP.

More importantly, I should point out that while Sigstore's Fulcio will help with key management (think of it as a managed GPG, if you will), it will not help with securely mapping software projects to their respective OIDC identities. Without this, how will verifiers know in a secure yet scalable way which Fulcio keys _should_ be used? Otherwise, we would then be back to the GPG PKI problem with its web of trust.

This is where PEP 480 [2] can help: you can use TUF (especially after TAP 18 [3]) to do this secure mapping. Marina Moore has also written a proposal called Transparent TUF [4] for having Sigstore manage such a TUF repository for registries like PyPI. This is not to mention the other benefits that TUF can give you (e.g., protection from freeze, rollback, and mix-and-match attacks). We should definitely continue discussing this sometime.

[1] https://github.com/theupdateframework/python-tuf

[2] https://peps.python.org/pep-0480/

[3] https://github.com/theupdateframework/taps/blob/master/tap18...

[4] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WPOXLMV1ASQryTRZJbdg3wWR...

> [4] [TUFT: Transparent TUFT] : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WPOXLMV1ASQryTRZJbdg3wWR...

W3C ReSpec: https://github.com/w3c/respec/wiki

blockcerts-verifier (JS): https://github.com/blockchain-certificates/blockcerts-verifi...

blockchain-certificates/cert-verifier (Python): > Can SubtleCrypto accelerate any of the W3C Verifiable Credential Data Integrity 1.0 APIs? vc-data-integrity:

https://github.com/theupdateframework/taps/blob/master/tap18... :

> TUF "targets" roles may delegate to Fulcio identities instead of private keys, and these identities (and the corresponding certificates) may be used for verification.

s/fulcio/W3C DID/g may have advantages, or is there already a way to use W3C DID Decentralized Identifiers to keep track of key material in RDFS properties of a DID class?

What command(s) do I pass to pip/twine/build_pyproject.toml to build, upload, and install a package with a key/cert that users should trust for e.g. psf/requests?