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Comment by zzzeek

1 year ago

> Of those 1069 unique keys, about 30% of them were not discoverable on major public keyservers, making it difficult or impossible to meaningfully verify those signatures. Of the remaining 71%, nearly half of them were unable to be meaningfully verified at the time of the audit (2023-05-19) 2.

so...*reject those packages*. if you use a PGP key that isn't properly available or verifiable, reject it. That way every package with a PGP key will have 100% "key is properly discoverable" rate.

it's not really reasonable to just drop this feature because most packages don't use it. Packages with tens of millions of downloads (like mine) make up a small percentage of total packages, but this small number of packages makes up a huge proportion of actual downloads, and package signing is most useful for these kinds of packages.

if the adoption of "proper PGP keys" were ranked by packages/ downloads rather than "packages" alone, these rates would be much different.

I don't believe they would.

Looking at the top 20 packages in the last month by download (packages with hundreds of millions of downloads), only 1 of them shipped a GPG signature with their most recent release. I haven't asked the author of that one, but I do know them and I suspect they agree with the idea that it's not a valuable thing and they do it largely because it exists.

  • > they do it largely because it exists.

    That’s me. I used to upload signatures to PyPI only because it’s a thing that exists and it’s not much trouble. I’d be counted among the valid 36%, but I doubt anyone ever verified even one of the hundreds of sigs I uploaded over the years. I eventually stopped due to the pointlessness.

That quote doesn't make any sense even if we stopped at the first part. I PGP-sign my packages and my key is not on any public key server. It's on my website. This reasoning lacks rigor and seems to only serve as an excuse to remove a feature that some pypi devs didn't like without offering an alternative for security guarantees that it provided.