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Comment by JamesBarney

10 months ago

Yes 100% this, there are lots of people with the same ambitions as the OP, but they aren't getting 600k checks for an idea. They're building companies on side, savings, or with a little help from family or friends.

It's not really a moral issue or even a competitive issue, it's just that the math for an investment has to work out, and the math for all these equity investments from strangers is that you have an X% shot at an outsized return, not an X+Y% shot at an ordinary return.

  • 100% agree. A company that is trying to hit a billion in ARR is not 1000x less like to fail than one that is trying to make a million in ARR.

    I just meant there are people trying to achieve his goal (of building a small SaaS), but they are unable to do it in the same way that he wants to achieve his goal (raising 600k on an idea).