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Comment by kstrauser

8 months ago

OK. I'm the customer here, and I'm looking at it with my own POV. I think it's neat that I have extra pixels to hold the menu bar so that the rest of the screen can be dedicated to the apps I'm running.

Good, so are you going to pay Apple twice? Once for creating the problem, and again when they develop the under-screen tech to fix it?

  • Um, yeah? I bought my current laptop with the extra pixels at a time I needed a new laptop. If Apple comes up with a way to add more extra pixels by the next time I'm looking to buy one, I'll get that.

    The notch is an improvement over the old thick bezel design. Presumably they'll find an even better solution down the road. When they do, I'm not going to complain that they didn't jump forward to the currently nonexistent technology on the first iteration.

    • It's called incremental innovation "this changes everything, again" (yawn!) , so they can slow talk you into opening up your wallet yet again. You can bet your bottom dollar if Apple saw a significant threat to their money maker, you'd see them eliminate the notch in gen 1 itself. Suddenly the "non existent" tech would magically appear.

      5 replies →

  • The under screen tech doesn't even exist in a product today.

    Did you want Apple to hold off on giving people extra real estate until that happened ?

    • You've already accepted the premise that Apple is "giving" a feature to the customer, so there doesn't seem to be any room for a conversation.

  • Apple added 74 px vertically and the notch lives entirely in that space. It's simply more real estate. What is the "problem" they've created? That's like complaining about my apartment coming with a balcony