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Comment by sammorrowdrums

7 months ago

Yep, I’ve very much discovered and confirmed this behaviour independently, I was so shocked to learn that it was a known issue.

I know it’s silly but it helped me with imposter syndrome to see such a major OS that prides itself on seamless “it just works” experiences tolerate bugs like this.

That and the fact if you airplay a movie to Apple TV it thinks you want it to cast over the top of it with random advert videos in your web browser, so you can’t watch and browse.

We’re all human I guess ;)

But a lot of those bugs are basic functionalities, it is just that they are not the path Apple wants you to take.

For years now, and across iphone models and iOS versions, my iphone randomizes the artwork of the mp3s in the music app (ie display the wrong album cover). I see people complaining about that in forums but I guess if you are not using Apple Music they don't care.

I don't seem to be able to copy files from my iphone onto a windows desktop. Tried several cables, the transfer fails after a few GB. I guess if you are not syncing your files through iCloud they don't care.

A bug recently corrupted the iphone mail app. It wouldn't sync mails anymore, in fact would display old mails from the wrong account (I have multiple setup). I only fixed it by deleting the accounts and recreating them. That's using ActiveSync. But I guess if you don't use an apple email they don't care.

Another bug on my ipad. The USB-C DAC often fails to be recognised. Tried several DAC. I thought it was a hardware problem (usb port damaged), except that few hardware problems are resolved by rebooting. But if you don't use apple wireless headphones they don't care.

These are basic functionalities, but not using the main path which happens to be the most profitable to Apple. Apple's reputation for quality is inconsistent with my experience of their products.

  • Whether you will enjoy using Apple products depends significantly on whether you are willing to go down and only down the One Apple Way(tm).

  • It has nothing to do with profitability. The problem is there are too many devices, protocols and applications so it's impossible to test them all. You'll have exactly the same type of issues on a Windows or Linux based system. Microsoft also doesn't seem to care anymore and Linux distributions are not even tested for desktop use.

    If anything, profitability of chip makers cheaping out on USB implementations is a bigger problem.

Does Apple have a public bug tracker?

  • No. They have a black hole you can toss your bug reports into, and they’ll swear up and down that past the event horizon they’ll see it, but you more likely than not will never hear about it again.