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Comment by anon22981

5 months ago

I’m not sure if a bug or a feature, but on two different iphones I’ve had the issue where the volume suddenly aggressively goes up or down without me pressing the volume button. Has happened at least in netflix and youtube. Always when I’m actively using the phone.

Might an ill fitted case or something, but those phones had different cases.

Anyone know if this is some bug or am I being dumb?

With iOS 17 I started experiencing something similar. Whenever I use Control Center to decrease volume to zero, two out of ten times or so it moves it back to 15-20% (seems random). I have no idea if an app running in the background is causing this, or the OS, but is very annoying...

Mine (possibly related) is volume will look normal but be super quiet - touch the control at all and suddenly it’s as loud as it looked.

Happens to me with keyboard clicks on iOS: suddenly they jump from the standard low volume to very loud clacks.