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Comment by yummypaint

5 months ago

Please do stop buying their junk. It's sad to watch people i know squandering so much money to buy buggy stuff that i end up troubleshooting for them. If it were linux we could just fix it ourselves and be done with it, but apple's entitled paternalism is the final insult. "Maybe you're holding it wrong?"

the only reason i've been using their shit is because i rely on software that doesn't exist on linux for certain hobbies and it was still drastically superior to windows which i refuse to use for any reason in my personal time, but now that it's not even better anymore, i'd rather just abandon those hobbies.

  • I haven't used Windows as a main-box in years, but was seriously considering it for the next upgrade. What's the beef?

    • For me, when they "accidentally" released a build that showed ads in Windows Explorer it was the end. I absolutely refuse to pay for an operating system which shows me ads. They walked it back after people were outraged and claimed it was a test build not meant for the public, but I don't believe them. I think if they hadn't gotten the push back they did, we would have ads in all facets of Windows today.

    • not unix-like, forced updates which often break shit, mandatory telemetry, terrible ux, bloat, bugs, separate and clashing visual styles hamfistedly crammed together, hostile pushing of edge and bing... but most of all, it's a microsoft product. microsoft have demonstrated their hostility towards their paying customers time and time again.

      for me personally, the final straw was after i had to replace a broken motherboard, windows wouldn't activate. i contacted microsoft and they told me it was a new computer so i had to buy windows again. i ordered a mac that day and gave my pc to a friend. each to their own but personally i'm never letting that dogshit touch any of my personal computers ever again. if i ever want to build a gaming pc again, steamOS is plenty good enough now for my purposes.