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Comment by bzzzt

5 months ago

I'm using about every Apple product you've listed and only encountered the first problem and even then only sporadically. I won't be saying 'you're using it wrong' but I presume different ways of use or app workload can make a big difference.

Sometimes you go help a person who complains about such things, and they have instaled 50 obscure off-brand apps, all kinds of browser extensions, kexts, background services, crapware, and so on, and the system is like a zoo.

  • And sometimes these bugs are just stochastic in general. We had an entire 200 person office of macbooks. I'm the only one who got a weird display issue where it would randomly just corrupt the display for a period of time, rebooting wasn't a fix, there was no predictability as sometimes it would corrupt for a few seconds, once it was corrupted all day and I couldn't work. It finally stopped happening when I got a new macbook.

    That same macbook also had serious audio "crackle" issues where doing anything that seemingly caused more context switching in the cpu would introduce loud pops to the audio. Rebooting would fix the issue until it would eventually come back.

    I had nothing special or interesting installed. These things would happen from using a modern IDE and firefox.