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Comment by whywhywhywhy

5 months ago

Man I remember having to deal with this multiple times a week, weirdly it stopped maybe from the 2015 MBP onwards for me never encountered it again and assumed it was fixed. But all my computers between the Titanium Powerbook and then had it.

At first I was thinking "huh, I don't think I've ever seen this before..." but come to think of it, there have definitely been a few freak occurrences of the balance suddenly getting out of whack. It throws me for a loop at first because usually the balance suddenly going out in headphones is an indicator that one or the other side is starting to die.

It's pretty rare, I've only seen it a few times, but yeah. Pretty obnoxious

Agreed, I thought it had been fixed as I haven't seen it on any mac newer than 2013. I really hope someone someday breaks down why this happens. I can't believe its only manifested in <10% of the total macs I've ever used/owned.