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Comment by MetalSnake

5 months ago

That "cult" and "attention to details" was a long time ago, when Steve Jobs was CEO. But even then there were many bugs, like the .DS_Store files, which never got fixed. It got much worse when Tim Cook took over. Now I only use macOS because the next best thing is still worse, and also the Mac hardware became really good with the switch to ARM (after a long long dark time with x86 where the hardware got worse and worse with each iteration).

I wish .DS_Store files were automatically gitignored...

(though why should git fix such a stupid problem it didn't create...)

  • Pretty easy with a global gitignore

    • it's not my computer that produces these files... but yes, perhaps MacOS should ship with .DS_Store in a global gitignore by default (though I don't even know if it ships with git at all...)

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