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Comment by rado

5 months ago

This only works if the next app has a text input in focus.

Not sure what you mean.

With this setting, I never have to "switch back to the default language", it only switches when I explicitly do so with a "next input source" keyboard shortcut.

Regardless if the "next app has a text input in focus" or not, the language I have set (english or my local one), sticks when I change apps.

  • Also, open Spotlight when in an app with alternative input language. Spotlight should switch to default, but it doesn’t, and adopts the unwanted alternative language.

    • The behavior I want (and get) is: nothing switches input language, except me explicitly.

      So,if I'm in an app "with alternative input language X" it means at some point before I excplitly set X as the active input language (and that gets enforced system-wide). Then if I change to Spotlight, it still uses the same X language.

      I understood that to be what you also want, but perhaps you want the opposite (which I haven't tried and don't really want - to have apps remember their own input language each. Then the same toggle looks to be able to cover that, but perhaps not well, as you say).

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