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Comment by seec

5 months ago

People who have been doing hackintoshes or were installing Windows on Intel Macs have known for a while that macOS is rather slow compared to the competition and with of the lack of features/functionality you have to pay for on top of the way more expensive hardware it is a very bad deal.

I think people sticking with macOS are doing it for convenience and because it is hard to switch to something else when you have done things a particular way all your life. But considering the price of Macs, currently it is an unbelievably bad deal but as long as there are fools to pay the price nothing will change I guess.

Using my iMac Pro has objectively improved my eye health; the displays are amazing and my eyes are almost not getting tired.

But yeah, beyond that the deal gets worse and worse with time. Apple are dropping the ball, it's been visible.

As mentioned upthread, I'm very likely to start using my Mac as a thin client in the next years: get all the benefits of Linux (ultra speed included) with none of the drawbacks (insecure desktop environments; the X11 protocol literally allows you to capture all key presses once you connect), and all happening through the best displays there is.

So it's not about being a fool. There are objective benefits to using Macs. But, these benefits are dwindling with time, so the equation gets less and less in favor of Apple.

  • I cannot agree with you more. The iMacs prior to Apple Silicon were actually pretty good computers at a decent price everything considered, especially for the display indeed. And if you went with the big one like you did, you could actually upgrade most of the stuff easily, no Apple tax.

    I am actually rather mad they stopped making them because it was clearly the best value in the whole Apple lineup, but also lowkey one of the best computers you could buy for the price (unless you needed something exotic or massive amounts of power).

    And to be clear, I'm not saying all Apple customers are fools but I am saying that Apple are taking all its customers for fools, including the ones who supported them in their hard times in the PPC days and it feels rather greedy and nasty to me. But some of them try to justify every penny-pinching decision Apple makes and those ones I do think are complete fools and they do not help the case...

    TBH I was thinking of getting a 5K iMac to do something similar but T2 Macs are kind of a pain in the ass so it doesn't feel ideal, especially since the 5K LGs are less expensive second-hand than the iMacs.

    My fear is that it's going to take quite a while after they go downhill to go back to something acceptable, the way I see it, Tim Cook is dilapidating the brand to make a quick buck but ah well...