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Comment by ricardobeat

3 months ago

> it is almost an unusably bad experience to simply browse the web and move files around

Cannot relate at all. "Move files around" is essentially the same on Windows and Mac, except on the Mac I have a UNIX shell. Browsers also behave exactly the same on every platform, and Safari is snappy and the least memory-hungry of all. What is it about?

Have you ever needed to perform a reliable recursive directory copy between two drives on Windows? I have and it turned out to be a comically complicated task. Robocopy helps but als has its edge cases you need to handle. Also long path names become problematic (MAX_PATH etc).

  • I don’t know how Windows users deal with file copying being as bad as it is and has been there for so long.

    Linux can have issues here too though, depending on the file manager being used. Some file managers there still have weirdly bad copy/move handling.

  • What are you even talking about? Copying folders on Winfows just works. Please explain.

    • By default there is a path character limit of 260 characters, although there is a method to increase it. So if you try to copy something with a long filename that is many nested folders deep, it will fail. In one office, I had a coworker who used very descriptive folder/subfolder names for everything, and he constantly had this issue.

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    • No it doesn't. Try setting up Windows CI for a large code base, good luck. I couldn't believe this is an actual problem in 2024 either, but unfortunately it is, depending in what tools you use (Visual Studio and most Microsoft Dev tooling works great, anything cross platform is hit and miss).

      Just read the limitations section of this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robocopy

I daily both macOS and Linux, and have for over a decade. I think Dolphin is significantly better than Finder.

Finder is the same crap software it's always been. Windows Explorer has always been better. Nobody except the nerdiest of nerds would want to use the terminal for "moving files around".

>Safari is snappy and the least memory-hungry of all. What is it about?

MacOS is a memory hog in itself. Safari is the laughingstock of browsers, so behind the times and purposely crippled by Apple.