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Comment by forgotpwd16

3 months ago

Either OP doesn't consider tinkering an enjoyable past-time activity or they've no free time to do something they enjoy. Both quite sad to be honest.

I wouldn’t go as far as “sad”. Free time is always a finite resource you have to prioritise. I used to tinker, these days I’d much rather spend time with my kids. I’m definitely not sad about it. I’ll have plenty of time for tinkering in the future.

  • Yes, time is limited, and these days I have new hobbies. For cars, and computers, it's a bit of been-there-done-that.

Can people simply have priorities?

  • Of course. And people enjoy spending their free time on various things not necessarily due to some restriction. For those people time spend on those things isn't wasted. For example, can have fun fixing cars even if have money to have a mechanic do it.