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Comment by MenhirMike

4 months ago

Yes! and even if you search for foo.txt, it will also display foo_something.txt even though you didn't search for a wildcard (foo*.txt).

And then you have that "fantastic" UI that helpfully tells you that the file is in "C:\Users\something\Documents\..." regardless how large you make the window. Who's brilliant decision was it to truncate the locating folder without any way to resize the column and actually see the full path?

Anyway, just giving a shoutout to grepWin again, it's one of the first thing I install on any Windows box while hoping that everyone involved in the Windows Search "experience" steps on a lego brick every day of their lives.

Sorry for the almost meme-like content but... Are you getting results?

My Windows simply doesn't find any of those.

Since it's a VM, I gave up long ago and search its contents from Linux.