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Comment by bruce511

4 months ago

The funny thing about growing older is that we change, and the things that were once "I'd rather be dead than not do this" just naturally fade away, and other new exciting things take their place.

I say thus not to dampen your enthusiasm, but rather to encourage you to enjoy it to the maximum while it lasts.

Everything has a season and in that season it can seem terribly important. Perhaps an activity, or a favorite sports team, or a group of friends.

Some of that remains forever, some of it gets deferred as other things happen. It's part of life, we grow, we change, the world around us changes.

It's not that the drive is lost, it's just that it manifests in different ways, different activities, different challenges.

When you see a post like yours in 30 years time, remember this moment, and raise a glass :)