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Comment by Klonoar

4 months ago

> Well that's fine, but Windows isn't Linux but everybody treats it like such, hating on it for not being Linux while people often praise macOS for being "Unix".

Because even being partly Unix (or technically, full Unix) is easier to deal with than Windows entirely different stack. ;P

> For macOS, it doesn't have the installer system that Windows has, so solutions like Homebrew are created to try and graft Linux things on it.

No? Homebrew was just the creation of someone who didn't like the way MacPorts did it back in the day. MacPorts is literally the FreeBSD ports tree cloned to work on macOS, and back in the day was partly funded by Apple.

(MacPorts arguably worked around the macOS-isms better than Homebrew does, but people chased Homebrew and here we are.)

> Usually, the trouble is that Apple has made some asinine decision with the default tooling installed or some other strange limitation.

Unless you can actually note one of those choices or limitations, this isn't much of a point.

> And because Apple is constantly breaking software, it creates a lot of churn on macOS. From PowerPC to Intel to Arm, from ObjectiveC to Swift, from Cocoa to Metal, etc., they're constantly upheaving the ecosystem and OS.

PowerPC to Intel to Arm happened over the space of multiple decades, and "Cocoa to Metal" doesn't even make sense in the context of tech stacks.

Your entire comment is just complaining because an alternative solution doesn't fit your built-in mental model of how things should work.