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Comment by nxobject

3 months ago

Have you read Bob Brant's Build Your Own Macintosh and Save a Bundle [1]? The man was a proponent of having the only Apple part in your build be the logic board, and using as many commodity PC parts as possible – I remember one of the builds started with a Macintosh SE logic board that ran "headless" with a (Radius?) video card in a generic AT/XT case, with everything else (drives, PSU, etc.) commodity PC. Pure wizardry, and he somehow managed to make the numbers add up cheaper than first-party Apple even when adding accelerators to your build.

[1] https://vintageapple.org/macbooks/pdf/Build_Your_Own_Macinto...

I had my library get that book, and it helped with all sorts of projects. What an awesome book :D