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Comment by lhl

17 days ago

Pi's are great for easy hardware hacking, but I don't know if they ever made that much sense as home servers. You could always pick up used office/minipcs for even cheaper than a bare pi board, and if you picked carefully, you wouldn't really be using much more idle power.

Also €100-150 for those used 1L boxes sounds a bit pricey to me, since in that range you can buy brand new minipcs that perform similarly (personally for a network-centric device probably I'd go on aliexpress and grab one of the fanless N100 router-style pcs).

They are ridiculously overpowered for a number of usecases, even the older and cheaper 3 models. I'm running progscrape.com on a 4 and it held up to HN traffic without sweating at all.

I had a Pi1 running Stylus for home monitoring with maybe 10% CPU use at any time.