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Comment by franciscop

17 days ago

I feel these comparisons are a bit funny. The "RasPi 5 is no match for X", showing a picture of a computer that seems around 5-8x times bigger in area, and probably around 20x bigger in volume. They also cost A LOT more, but if you get them second hand only +50%. Color me surprised, even when ignoring the general totally different markets of those, even as a tiny PC these are not fair comparisons (specially comparing a second-hand device to the full cost of a new Raspi, adding the accessories that we all hackers/makers already have).

A ton of people use Pis as small home servers and for that use case, there are imho better options.

  • Yes, for ALL purposes that people use the Pis for there's definitely a better, more specific option. But that's the great thing of the Pis, that they are very general-purpose for hobbyists, while also being very well standardized and documented (and run Ubuntu).