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Comment by KaiserPro

17 days ago

Sorry, but if you're going to write the Pi5 off, do it properly

compare it to an intel n100 machine. https://www.amazon.co.uk/TRIGKEY-Lake-N100-Processor-G4-Comp... £165 16 gigs of ram, 500gig ssd.

1957 single core passmark and 5548 multicore. More importantly its 5 watts at full CPU

You can run it off 19v DC, and its physically tiny. Yes, it has a fan, but its not that loud, significantly quieter than the HP

The second hand HP is just not compelling anymore, unless you need more than one drive, or you need something physically larger.

TLDR: the PI isn't great for KVM. The n100 is.

I have a mix of n100s, NUCs and Pis. Each has their purpose. If you really want cheap ephemeral linux, then the pi-zero is still dirt cheap. £20 for a linux machine with wifi.