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Comment by AshamedCaptain

22 days ago

Where are these tiny low-power RPis that idle at 1W ? Are you measuring at the wall (i.e. with the power adapter inefficiencies?)

The entire point of the article is that at least the non-micro RPis are not "low-power" at all (something that agrees with my observations). The article is quoting around 3.5W for the RPi5. I was also getting a similar reading for my older RPi4 after months of fine-tuning, while _out of the box_ an N4000 miniPC had 1.8W consumption at idle. RPi may be cheap, but not much else.

I'm not running 4's or 5's. I'm running 2's and 3's. And they're mostly idle; DNS, DHCP, and Consul are all extremely lightweight. No video, wifi, or anything else; just ethernet and an SD card.

No sense in running anything more powerful than that. Having the latest and greatest -- and top-tier performance -- isn't always necessary.

And I still consider to be a credit card sized server to be tiny. Though watch-sized machines do take the cake there...