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Comment by szvsw

13 days ago

People interesting in this might be interested in Silicon Second Nature by Stefan Helmreich, a pretty brilliant MIT anthropologist/historian of science. It’s all about the Santa Fe Institute and the science of emergence, from both a technical and social level. One of the best books I’ve ever read I think!


Stefan Helmreich's book is indeed brilliant! I used it extensively when writing Building SimCity. Stefan was quite helpful in researching my book, sharing and checking some old SFI documentation so I could determine things like who visited SFI when for what event (and with whom).

The attendee list for some of the early Artificial Life conferences was quite cool. Peter Molyneux shows up as well as one of Maxis's venture capitalists.

  • Hey thanks for the response. I’m looking forward to picking up the book now. Silicon Second Nature left a big enough impression on me that I did a performance art piece inspired by it in undergrad (back when I thought I might be an artist, LOL)… unfortunately I don’t have access any longer to video documentation but there are some pics and description on my (currently offline) website:


    There’s also a short 16mm experimental film I made around the same time:


    Just sharing since it’s pretty rare for me to meet someone who might actually be interested in these, ha!