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Comment by bongodongobob

17 days ago

This is so true. Back when I used to use reddit, I had to leave the raspberry pi subreddit for this reason. 95% of the projects only needed a small C program and microcontroller but instead used a full blown OS and Python. It drove me nuts.

The Pi method sounds 1000x more approachable to a beginner. Which is it exactly where the Pi shines. I see nothing wrong with it.

  • I just wholeheartedly disagree relative to Arduino. You're telling me I gotta find a microsd card, get their software, either

    A) muck around with the boot settings file (though I think recently they can do that in the flasher) or B) find a mouse, keyboard, monitor

    Then, as a beginner who likely doesn't already, learn Linux and beyond that embedded Linux, then learn the languages and environment (the amount of times people have told me their task was to get the project's code started on boot is astounding), networking, drivers, etc etc etc.

    You're telling me that's 1000x more approachable than the 1 line of

    digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, 1); // because Arduino will set the output mode for you I believe

    It takes on an Arduino? Which boots immediately every time, no sd card corruption issues, no anything, just runs the code?