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Comment by ryani

17 days ago

Hi Chaim! I really enjoyed working with you on Spore. What have you been up to in the intervening years besides writing this book?

Hi Ryan!! I got a PhD, did some indie game stuff, made some babies (with some help, mainly from my wife), design consulting. You can see more of my projects here: https://chaim.io, like some tangible/mixed reality computing (done while I was working at a research lab with Bret Victor), and Earth: A Primer, a science book made of simulation toys.

  • > ... working at a research lab with Bret Victor), and Earth: A Primer, a science book made of simulation toys.

    For the folks reading this, I just wanted to point out that Earth: A Primer is one of the coolest sets of explorable explanations ever made:


    Thanks for making all this cool stuff! :-)

Ryan!! Now you’re getting tagged. Long time. I saw Ted and Rebecca a couple weeks ago. If you’re that Ryan I.