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Comment by xixixao

3 months ago

I was hoping this was a super cheap hackintosh running modern macOS. Is that even possible these days?

Yes. The biggest limiting factor for “cheap” is building around a CPU with a supported GPU. A second hand RX 4xx/5xx series card is a good pick if you can’t find a chip with supported iGPU.

I’m asking out of genuine curiosity - what are the reasons you’d want that, other than a fun project? There’s so much hardware integration in the stack of a modern Mac that it would feel a little hard for me to even say a hackintosh was a Mac.

Anyways, curious what you have in mind.

  • I see posts every day of people successfully hackintoshing various PCs. It's a great operating system. And it has all the software that the free alternatives lack.

    If I couldn't afford the hardware I would definitely get a hackintosh. One weekend of suffering to get it working, vs a lifetime of suffering with Linux.