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Comment by patrickmay

3 months ago

Every time I read about SICP, I get frustrated all over again about Javascript. It could have been Scheme and all web development would have benefited.

The only way it would have "benefited" would be that the web would only be developed by lisp programmers.

To the vast majority of programmers, syntax matters. C-style with brackets, or python whitespace, or Ruby do/end, these fit better the brains of the majority of programmers. Perhaps not the majority of HN readers but the majority of corporate devs.

Another example of this is Erlang and Elixir. Elixir adds a couple of features over Erlang, macros and protocols, but Erlang does everything else. What made Elixir take off where Erlang didn't, after decades, is that Elixir has a syntax that people are comfortable with. Erlang has a syntax that will summon Cthulu.

  • To be fair, what made Elixir take off, other than syntax there is also the developer experience overall, including documentation, package manager, unit testing framework out of the box, web-framework initially inspired by Rails etc.

    Though, slightly off topic, but worth mentioning, that both Erlang and Elixir communities support each other very well. For example, now not only elixir is built on top of Erlang, but also Erlang adopts some things from elixir, such as monadic expression `with` from elixir inspired `maybe` in Erlang, or starting OTP27 Erlang is using ExDoc introduced by Elixir to generate documentations.

  • Is it an innate property of humans that the curly-brace style is more natural? I wonder if in an alternate universe where Lisp took off as the browser language people would find it more natural instead. It seems like somewhat of a chicken-egg problem.

    • I think it's innate that having differentiated syntax for different types of grouping is natural. Look at mathematical papers where people will introduce new brackets with new meanings. (Indeed look at the entirety of QM for a clear, simple case)

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    • Because lisp is trivial to parse, it’s easy to make an extension for vs code that shows / edits Common Lisp / scheme looking completely different; you can make it unrecognisable. If the () are the only thing bothering people, then this is very simple to resolve. Can hardly be the only thing though. It’s also easy to build operators similar to the ones you have in Python etc like filter, map etc so you don’t have to apply recursion. These are there already but you can build them yourself in a few hours.

      So it’s probably just what people learn first + lack of ‘marketing’ or negative PR (there are no libraries or ecosystem! The thing that least bothered me about CL but people with npm leftpad experience seem bothered by it).

      It’s interesting as I worked I almost everything in production; c/c++ (including the MS 90s flavour), Delphi, VB, Perl, PHP, Java, C#, Haskell, F#, Common Lisp, Erlang, TS/JS, Python, Ruby, asm (z80, arm, x86) and I simply have not had a better overal experience than CL. The others are better at some things but a an overal experience, CL just is a pleasure.

    • The curly braces themselves are 100% irrelevant, as evidenced by the many, many successful and well-liked languages which don't use them, including Python, which is in the running for the most-used language these days. They're an implementation detail.

      What's closer to innate is the Algorithmic Language, Algol for short, the common ancestor of the vast majority of languages in common use (but not, notably, Lisps).

      Algol was designed based on observational data of how programmers, who had to somehow turn their ideas into the assembler to run on machines, would write out those ideas. Before it was code, it was pseudocode, and the origins predate electronic computers: pseudocode was used to express algorithms to computers, when that was a profession rather than an object.

      That pseudocode could have been anything, because it was just a way of working out what you then had to persuade the machine to do. But it gravitated toward a common vocabulary of control structures, assignment expressions, arithmetic as expressed in PEBCAK style, subroutine calls written like functions, indexing with squared brackets on both sides of an assignment, and so on. I revert to pseudocode frequently when I'm stuck on something, and get a lot of benefit from the practice.

      So I do think that what's common in imperative languages captures something which is somewhat innate to the way programmers think about programs. Lisp was also a notation! And it fits the way some people think very well. But not the majority. I have some thoughts about why, which you can deduce an accurate sketch of from what I chose to highlight in the previous paragraph.

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    • Does decades of empirical evidence not prove that people are more comfortable with imperative, curly brace programming over s-expressions? It's not a chicken and egg problem. The egg has hatched and nested parentheses lost.

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    • I would argue that imperative programming is most natural - it's what everyone gravitates to in the beginning. Then, at a sufficient level of complexity, a programmer gravitates to solutions like OOP or FP, but there's an obvious trade off in readability there. 99 Bottles of Beer implemented with a loop is intrinsically going to be easier to read than an implementation with tail recursion, even though the latter is generally better. Lisp's inside-out parentheses style adds yet more cognitive load on top of that.

      Many things are socially constructed, but not everything.

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    • Then why does this web page use indentation to clarify who's replying to whom, instead of {}s?

    • I don't know if it's innate but it's what we have. Lisp has been around about as long as programming, it's had plenty of time to catch on, it hasn't.

      Maybe innate, maybe it's an offshoot of teaching math in an infix style, 1 + 2 vs. + 1 2.

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    • That alternative universe was the early 1980s where Lisp was very popular to learn due to bring consider the best language for AI.

  • "The only way it would have "benefited" would be that the web would only be developed by lisp programmers."

    Considering the state of the web I do not think this is making the argument you intend.

  • I agree with most of what you said here but I want to emphasize that this is not necessarily a good outcome. Fitting the brains of corporate devs is not a metric to measure if your goal is to make the best tool for the job - the majority of corporate devs are extremely mediocre at their job even with a language that they’re not scared of.

    All that to say, I completely emphatically agree with the original comment. The world would have been so much better off with Scheme as the language of the web.

    • If the "job" is to make lots and lots of software, even if most of it is mediocre, then the best tool is what will enable millions of mediocre developers to develop, not just thousands of elite developers.

  • > To the vast majority of programmers, syntax matters. C-style with brackets, or python whitespace, or Ruby do/end, these fit better the brains of the majority of programmers.

    You have no idea whether this is actually true, or whether people have just fit their brains to what is out there.

    The idea that programming language syntax fits people's brains rings untrue for anyone who has watched beginners struggle with it, or remembers being one.

    • Plus, add a heaping tablespoon of survivorship bias.

      1. Many people try programming.

      2. The vast majority of the people who try programming are subject to external forces that guide them to whatever they learn and use.

      3. Out of these, a certain fractions stick with it and are found programming in the long run, even working in it.

      We could easily conclude (probably quite wrongly) that the popular languages turn people away from programming, except for a few weirdos for whom they click.

  • >The only way it would have "benefited" would be that the web would only be developed by lisp programmers.

    Millions have learned javascript because it is the technology of the web. Are they better off?

    So many people have been introduced to programming, computer science, and programs through the abstractions provided by javascript, and that sucks

  • > To the vast majority of programmers, syntax matters.

    And yet, when you tell them the reasons, why some other syntax than their Java/PHP/Python syntax would be better, they usually counter with "It's just syntax." or "Every language can achieve the same result, why care so much about syntax." or similar.

    > C-style with brackets, or python whitespace, or Ruby do/end, these fit better the brains of the majority of programmers. Perhaps not the majority of HN readers but the majority of corporate devs.

    I would need a source for that.

    I think most programmer's brains have simply not been exposed to other syntaxes much or much too late, when their brain already calcified the C-style syntax. Or they don't actually care.

  • Significant white space would have been a disaster on the web.

    As much as everyone poops on js it is a very forgiving language for embedding.

    • JS is fine for scripting, sprinkling a bit of interactivity on a page. The issue is when you want to create whole software out of it, and the last thing you want is forgiveness. You want the compiler and linter complaining loudly.

  • People aren't born familiar with C style syntax. Quite the opposite: many people struggle with it for a long time! Back in the day it super common to get frustrated because you missed off a semicolon or something. Nowadays IDEs probably help, but what's the point of syntax that the computer could write for you?

  • Very much a personal anecdote, but I spent about a month earlier this year seriously learning various Lisps (CL, Racket Scheme, Clojure). I stopped when it clicked for me - Lisps are a mess. Everything I wanted from Lisp I found in Haskell.

    I'm reasonably confident that all the anecdotes you hear about 10x improvements from switching to Lisp are just programmers learning about functional programming and good design patterns for the first time. But those aren't contingent on using a Lisp, and I'd argue using Lisp brings an enormous amount of cruft and baggage that makes FP seem far more alien and difficult than it needs to be.

    • The 10x seems to mostly have been from programmers switching from extremely low level languages like C++ to something far higher level. Paul Graham also talks about macros in his well known essay, but I honestly think a lot of the value one gets from Lisp can be found with Python. There are a lot of things you don't have to worry about like manual memory management and so on. Python isn't as fast as lisp or as beautiful (opinion), but the ecosystem is very impressive and the community isn't as fractured as the lisp community (for example see the bipolar lisp programmer essay).

      I don't think FP by itself is that massive of a win despite what some dubious studies or zealots say, but it's certainly better than enterprise Java. I've read my fair share of horror stories of Haskell in production too.

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    • I think the idea that Lisp was so much more productive than other languages originates from a much earlier time. But now the most important features of Lisp - like garbage collection - are commonly available in most languages.

As someone who's both versed in Lisps (CL, Racket, Scheme, Clojure) and JavaScript: thank god.

It's like the Lisp crowd can't be honest with itself and not realise the serious shortcomings of lisp projects are: maintainability.

Every single lisp project out there, hell this also applies to Haskell, is so radically different because everybody's too busy reinventing its own abstractions and macros (and language extensions in case of Haskell) that you just throw your hands up in the air in dismay.

It's like the Lisp crowd, that can barely attract like-minded people to collaborate on some simple open source projects out there so you get 20 broken JSON parsers, cannot see the link between that issue and industrial lisps.

I love lisps, they are fun, they have their place in the industry when you leverage them to their core strengths.

Try to ask yourself: why does PHP has more quality killer-software than all of lisps combined?

  • > everybody's too busy reinventing its own abstractions

    Isn't that the problem with Javascript too, though? Javascript isn't good enough, let's all use jQuery. No, jQuery isn't good enough, let's all use Vue. No, Vue isn't good enough, let's all use Angular. No, Angular isn't good enough, let's all use React. No, React isn't good enough, let's...

    • This is very disingenuous. The frontend world does move quickly, but the part of the stack you're describing has been reasonably stable.

      Vanilla JS was replaced by jQuery after about a decade. A decade later, React/Vue/Angular (React came first, not last) replaced jQuery

      There was a paradigm shift in the kind of websites that people wanted to build. For better or worse, we went from HTML + CSS with some JavaScript (jQuery) to SPAs. It's easier for a team of junior developers to build a SPA with React compared to jQuery.

      The abstractions that you're describing changed because the goal changed.


      There has been plenty of churn around build tools, libraries on top of React/Vue, the paradigms within React/Vue (Hooks, Vue 3 composition API), state management libraries, and the adoption of TypeScript.

      Again, this isn't really reinventing abstractions as much as dealing with an evolving language that wasn't designed for the applications we're building today (though it is clearly quite capable!)

JavaScript was originally developed in two weeks due to time constraints from Brendan Eich's employer. It would probably have just as many design mistakes if he had stuck with a scheme-like syntax instead. It's just hard to create a well-designed language in such a short amount of time.

  • Yes, Javascript is one of the seminal "sales already signed the contract" situations in tech.

    Given the circumstances, it's amazing javascript isn't way worse.

R5RS Scheme (standardised in 1998) didn't even have structs. To make anything like the DOM practical, you'd have needed some non-standard extensions that could well have ended up being a mess anyway.