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Comment by lisper

17 days ago

Yes. But instead of taking my word for it why don’t you just start reading it and decide for yourself?

Do you really need this explained? It's a 600 page technical book and people have a limited amount of time to sort through everything that exists.

  • Have you never been to a book store?

    You don't have to read every word of a book to understand if it's interesting to you. I purchased a bunch of technical books the other day that I had never heard of based on opening them up, reading a bit of the intro and flipping through the examples.

    Relatively few of my favorite books have come through recommendations compared to those that I have come across through serendipitous discovery.

    For anyone who has no time to browse books, then most of the best books in existence would be of little interest to that person.

  • > It's a 600 page technical book

    > why don’t you just start reading it and decide for yourself?

    A journey of a thousand miles....

  • this book is at the top of the list of near every list of best programming books of all time. its worth reading. is it an easy read? no. its sort of like the Illiad. Not an easy read. But worth it for anyone who wants to be considered well read.

  • > It's a 600 page technical book

    You do understand that you don't have to read an entire book before forming an opinion, right?

    > sort through everything that exists

    "Book that has been considered a classic for forty years and was used as the intro text at MIT for decades" is a long, long way from "everything that exists".

    • I did begin reading it a few years ago, and it seemed like a lisp flavored intro CS book. Why do I want to read an intro CS book? I've read those before. Yet people promise me that this one is different, while giving me nothing but condescending promises of enlightenment.

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    • Weasel words. Considered a classic by who? And why would being an "intro text at MIT" mean it's good for someone who is already experienced? If anything, that should show it's not worth his time.

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