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Comment by lmm

3 months ago

I think it's innate that having differentiated syntax for different types of grouping is natural. Look at mathematical papers where people will introduce new brackets with new meanings. (Indeed look at the entirety of QM for a clear, simple case)

Some Scheme and Lisp dialects have that. For example, Racket often uses square brackets instead of parentheses for things like clauses of a cond expression, and Clojure uses square brackets for vector literals and curlies for hash map literals.

> "Look at mathematical papers where people will introduce new brackets with new meanings"

Common Lisp has left brackets like {} and [] to the user (aka developer). It supports "reader macros", where the user can extend/supersede the syntax of s-expressions.

So, specialized tools/libraries/applications can introduce these brackets for their own use. Examples are embedded SQL expressions, notations for Frames (special objects, in kind of a mix of OOP and Logics), grammar terms, etc.

Thus it explicitly supports the idea of "people will introduce new brackets with new meanings".