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Comment by wholinator2

3 months ago

Has there ever been research on this? Perhaps this situation has come about because the schools people must go to to get the programming jobs only teach the Javascript way? It seems circular logic to say that the current paradigm must be superior for the fact that it is the current paradigm. Is it possible that there are other reasons it reached that status?

does n=1 count? :)

some time ago I tried Racket, and just no. recently I tried Scala ZIO HTTP, and yes.

Maybe it's the types? Maybe it's the parens. But probably both. I cannot really recall my experience, just that manipulating code was ridiculously clunky. My assumption was that the IDE will manage the parens for me and when I'm moving something somewhere it'll figure out if I messed up the parens.. and ... no, nothing. I had to balance them with hand.

  • One reason emacs is popular for lisp programming is that the paredit package (or its newer competitor smartparens) do basically exactly what you describe: structural editing of sexp-based languages.

    • There's also parinfer, which does pretty much everything for you. I've heard some people don't like it because they dislike auto-insertion of text. Maybe that's more like what OP expected.