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Comment by Jtsummers

16 days ago

    * there's string->url ... why not string->parse-url .. no, would have been too verbose. MAYBE YOU COULD HAVE SAVED SPACE BY OMITTING THE FUCKING PARENTHESES

string->url is consistent with the way they do things in Racket. Note in that same document you linked the use of number->string and string->number, the -> indicates a type conversion. Along with string->url there is also the reverse, url->string, and some other conversion functions. That consistency is actually pretty nice, it means you can guess and check ("I have a string and want a url, will this work?" Oh, great it does!) or guess and search the docs before checking with the REPL or whatever.


    * "car" and "cons", yeey, but "first" would have been so hard?

car shows up once, cons not at all, but he does use cdr. first, second, and rest are available, I don't know why he didn't use it in this demonstration. If you want to use first, go for it.